Mission and Vision of the Rotary Action Group RMCH
Under this link you will find information on our mission, vision and objectives: International Objectives
Action Groups – We Network!
Rotary Action Groups…
- support club and district projects in their area of expertise
- are independent of RI, but adhere to Rotarian principles
- have broad expertise thanks to international networking
- are open to Rotary members, their family members and alumni
- There are currently 26 Rotary Action Groups whose members contribute their expertise in the Foundation’s focus areas. RFPD is the first Action Group in Switzerland.
Our activities
We see our services in the following areas
- Identification of projects worthy of support
- Support in the procurement of expertise
- Assistance with fundraising and realisation of attractive projects
- Preparation of information for clubs and other circles.
Our statutes
Click here to download the RMCH Switzerland statutes.
Board of Directors
President PDG Judith Lauber, RC Lucerne – Heidegg
Projects Lutz Steinberg, RC Baden-Rohrdorferberg
Projects RID Urs Klemm, RC Aarau
Kommunikation Janine Keller
Botschafter D 2000 Werner Ibis, RC Will-Hinterthurgau
Botschafter D 1990 Yannis Vlamopoulos, RC Lausanne-Léman
Botschafterin RAC Alessandra Bedon, RAC Basel